Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Drew's 6th Birthday Preparations

Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged, it's been pretty busy around the Lollar house. We are finally beginning to adjust to our new schedules with school and all and now I am hit with the reality that my first baby will be SIX at the end of the month. My they grow up too fast. He has requested that we have an "Army Ranger" themed party. I thought it would be easy, but of course was not all too impressed with all the pre-made store bought party supplies for this. Of course I am cheap and want to cut corners as much as possible, so I decided to work 3 times harder and make everything huh? It has been somewhat fun though! I thought I would share a few pics and see what you all think... So here ya go!

These are the goody bags for the kids...Drew's comment was, "Mom, why are you painting the bottom of my boots?" He's so silly!

The invites...I addressed the children as Private so-and-so...I thought it was a nice touch!

I plan on making a cupcake-cake that is a battle field with army men and tanks and all that jazz...I will post pictures if I am successful!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Such a neat idea!!! I just hope he (or Alyssa) doesn't go around painting the bottoms of their shoes now.