Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Red Light Special!

So Drew is having issues with not being able to keep a green light at school. He and another child are partners in crime I am sure. So I am trying a new incentive program. I posted this on the wall on Sunday.
So I drop him off at school on Monday and remind him of his goal and he assures me he will get a green...later that evening...Mom opens folder...RED LIGHT!!!!! Ughhh, anybody got any ideas. The poor child has lost TV, and Game privelages. All he does now is read his AR book and do his homework...sad...


Kim said...

the only thing I can tell you is to find his currency, something that is more important than anythign else and take that away. That seems to work on EG.She likes to watch TV in the bed for a few minutes before she goes to sleep. If I threaten to take that specific tv time away, it kills her and it totally works. Just an idea!

Amanda said...

Hey Susan, I am Amanda, I worked at the daycare last summer. I had the same problem with Abby in Kindergarten. I Took everything I could think of away and wanted to pull my hair out!! If I remember right, its been 2 years since then, We finally told her that if she could go all week with a green light she could have a quarter. That seemed to work. She figured out that if she kept them all she could go buy something that she wanted. She finally has grown up alot and now we are all green. We did this in Kindergarten and 1st grade. Hope it helps. It did for us.

Anonymous said...

So update us did it work? We've tried that on Jenna before, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. :(

Susan said...

So far this has not worked, he is still looking at it and wishing it were his... We have encouraged him to increase the number of green lights per week, and decrease the reds, so maybe we are getting there...just slowly but surely!

Pam Nipper said...

well hang in there.. my son last year did the SAME thing.. and this year its been a total turn around.. i think with time they do have alot of growing up to do.. and it may not seem like it will get better but it will... just love him and praise him on all the good things and just remember boys will be boys, i know that isnt the right answer.. but believe me it will get better!!!